Attorney Adam T. Spicer has extensive experience dealing with Medical Marijuana cases in California. He has worked with top marijuana lawyers in the state, representing clients in the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California. Working with these attorneys, Mr. Spicer achieved complete dismissals of criminal charges as well as return of property for any medical marijuana that was confiscated. For medical marijuana inquiries, please call The Law Office of Adam T. Spicer for a FREE CONSULTATION at (530) 539-4130.
California Law
- Despite the clear intent of the voters in passing the California Compassionate Use Act (Proposition 215) in 1996, legitimate users of medical marijuana are still facing criminal charges at the local, state and federal level.
- The Law Office of Adam T. Spicer is committed to defending individuals charged with marijuana related offenses. The strategy used is threefold – first we work to ensure that patients can continue to use their medication while facing criminal charges, next we do everything possible to beat the charges or work out an acceptable plea deal and last we ensure that patients will not face further government harassment in the future.
- Common Marijuana Crimes
- Health & Safety Code § 11357 – Possession of marijuana
- Health & Safety Code § 11358 – Cultivation of marijuana
- Health & Safety Code § 11359 – Possession of marijuana for sale
- Health & Safety Code § 11360 – Sale or transportation of marijuana
- Defenses and laws regulating marijuana
- Health & Safety Code § 11362.5 – Compassionate Use Act (Proposition 215)
- Health & Safety Code §§ 11362.7 – 11362.9 – Medical Marijuana Program Act (Senate Bill 420)
- This law was enacted by the California Legislature in 2003 to try and add structure and regulation to the field of medical marijuana.
- Though parts of this law have been invalidated by the California Supreme Court, many important parts do remain and provide some of the only law on the field.
Nevada Law
- Nevada has joined the growing list of states to approve medical marijuana.
- Some of statutes go back to 2008, but recent developments in 2013 and 2014 have expanded medical marijuana even further.
- Patients must have a doctor’s approval.
- Nevada has set limits for possession and cultivation.
- Most statutes concerning medical marijuana can be found in Chapter 453A of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
The Law Office of Adam T. Spicer is available for consulting on many aspects of medical marijuana law.
- Whether you are seeking advice on how to remain in compliance with state or local laws or would like to ask other questions relating to medical marijuana, Attorney Adam T. Spicer is the best person for your questions.
- Please contact the Law Office of Adam T. Spicer today for a FREE CONSULTATION at (530) 539-4130.